Monday, December 4, 2023

A voice cries, Comfort!

Haiku for a coming.

Comfort my people.

Yes, we could use some comfort.

We feel lost, afraid.

Tell Jerusalem,

in words of tenderness, her

punishment is past.

A voice is crying:

In the wilderness prepare

the way; the Lord comes.

Mountains are levelled,

uneven ground is made smooth,

as are the rough roads.

The Lord is coming,

the day of glory draws near;

we all will see it.

A voice says Cry out!

People are withering grass

and fading flowers.

When God breathes on them

the grass withers, flowers fade;

only God’s word lasts.

Shout out loud, boldly,

Jerusalem. Do not fear.

Say, Here is your God!

The tidings are good.

Tell Judah, God comes in love;

he is our reward.

He will feed his flock

like a shepherd, gathering

the lambs in his arms.

© Ken Rookes 2023

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