Monday, December 25, 2023

A renewed people

 Haiku of promise

Prophet Isaiah

brings words of consolation,

hope for his people.

The days of sorrow

and suffering, they will pass;

rejoicing follows.

God is generous:

gives garments of salvation

robes of righteousness.

They spring up like shoots

in God’s abundant garden:

righeousness and praise.

The prophet cries out,

unable to keep silent

at God’s salvation.

Before the nations

Zion stands vindicated,

shining like the dawn.

There for the nations

to witness; God’s salvation,

like a burning torch!

A renewed people

warrant a new name; The Lord

will spread it abroad.

God’s faithful people,

a lovely crown, a royal

diadem for God.

© Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, December 18, 2023



Haiku of surprise

Angel Gabriel

finds himself in Nazareth

talking to a girl.

Her name was Mary,

engaged to marry Joseph

of King David’s line.

Greetings, favoured one,

said the messenger from God.

The Lord is with you.

Do not be afraid.

You will conceive, bear a son,

and call him Jesus.

Destined for greatness,

he’ll sit upon David’s throne,

he’ll reign forever

This cannot happen;

I’ve never been with a man.

The Lord will do it.

What say you, Mary?

It’s a most daunting prospect;

are you up for it?

I’m here, said Mary,

God’s servant. Let it happen

to me as you say.

© Ken Rookes 2023

Building a house


Haiku for a dwelling

David the monarch,

living in peace, thinks to build

a house for the Lord..

Nathan, the prophet,

agrees; goes home, has a dream

causing a rethink.

Nathan tells David,

since I set my poeople free,

I’ve not had a house.

Have I ever asked

Israel’s leaders to build me

a house of cedar?

You were a shepherd;

I took you from the pasture

to rule my people.

I have been with you.

Your ememies are beaten;

I’ll make your name great.

They will dwell in peace,

planted in the place that I

have appointed them.

God makes you a house!

Your kingdom lasts for ever;

your throne is secured.

© Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, December 11, 2023

Hope for the oppressed

Haiku of restoration

The spirit of God

rests on me, says the prophet;

I must speak good news.

Hope for the oppressed;

God will bind up the broken,

and set captives free.

The year of favour

God will show to those who mourn;

they’ll be comforted.

They will sing and dance

with gladness, praising the Lord.

I will raise them up.

The ancient ruins

are rebuilt, generations

of damage restored.

God hates robbery,

wrong-doing. God loves justice,

reclaims his people.

A new covenant

will be made between the Lord

and the ones he loves.

So much is promised.

God declares that righteousness


should cover the earth.




© Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, December 4, 2023

A voice cries, Comfort!

Haiku for a coming.

Comfort my people.

Yes, we could use some comfort.

We feel lost, afraid.

Tell Jerusalem,

in words of tenderness, her

punishment is past.

A voice is crying:

In the wilderness prepare

the way; the Lord comes.

Mountains are levelled,

uneven ground is made smooth,

as are the rough roads.

The Lord is coming,

the day of glory draws near;

we all will see it.

A voice says Cry out!

People are withering grass

and fading flowers.

When God breathes on them

the grass withers, flowers fade;

only God’s word lasts.

Shout out loud, boldly,

Jerusalem. Do not fear.

Say, Here is your God!

The tidings are good.

Tell Judah, God comes in love;

he is our reward.

He will feed his flock

like a shepherd, gathering

the lambs in his arms.

© Ken Rookes 2023

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...