Monday, August 29, 2022

Pottery lesson

Haiku for re-working

At the potter's house

Jeremiah is impressed

by the potter's skills.

The misshapen clay

is not discarded, but made

into something new.

An image of grace.

The God of second chances

reshapes God's people.

Deserving judgement,

punishment for your evil;

God may yet repent.

Repentance the key;

turn from your evil doings,

God can make you new.

If a blest nation

ignores me and does evil

the blessing is lost.

It is not too late,

people of Judah: turn now

from evil. Do good.

God's like a potter,

shaping for blessing and ill;

it is up to us.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, August 22, 2022

Jeremiah begins his work

Haiku of disappointment

Jeremiah speaks,

tells the Lord's heartache over

God's faithless people.

Your ancestors left

me, chose worthless gods, became

worthless in themselves

I was the one who

saved you, yet none of you asked,

Where is the Lord found?

From the wilderness,

desert, drought and deep darkness

to a life-filled land.

Not priests, nor prophets

nor lawyers sought me; they all

followed after Baal

God gave them a land

full of good things, plentiful;

but they chased false gods.


outrageous! That a nation

should replace its gods.

My people left me,

the fount of living water;

and  chose leaking tanks.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, August 15, 2022

I am only a boy

Haiku for the hesitant.

Before he was born

Jeremiah was chosen,

set aside by God.

You’ll be a prophet.

I’m sending you to speak to

kingdoms and nations.

Aaargh! Surely not me!

God, I’m not ready for this,

don’t know how to speak!

Jeremiah’s cry

when he first heard God speaking:

I am just a boy!

Don’t say, I’m a boy!

And don’t be afraid of them.

I will be with you.

A symbolic act:

God touches the boy’s mouth, says

My words are yours, now.

Your words have power

over kingdoms; to bring down,

and to build and plant.

If I was sixteen

I might take exception, too;

if God called my name.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, August 8, 2022

Unproductive vines

 Haiku of failed privilege

A model vineyard.

Fertile, cleared of stones, wine-vat;

all ready to go.

Planted with choice vines,

the vintage is guaranteed!

But the grapes are wild.

What more, questions God,

could I have done for my vineyard?

I shall destroy it!

It shall be devoured,

broken down, trampled; given

over to the thorns.

An allegory!

The vineyard is Israel

and Judah’s people.

God looked for justice,

from his privileged people;

saw only bloodshed

Seeking righteousness,

God heard only anguished cries

from those cast aside.

We, who are priv'leged,

do we build justice, truth, hope;

are we serving love?

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022

God's disappointment

Haiku of dodgy religion

Isaiah’s vision

reveals God’s disappointment,

his people’s failure.

Rams, lambs goats and bulls,

sacrificed to appease God,

won't save your bacon.

With hands dripping blood

you come to God, expecting

that God will hear you?

Your good religion

means nothing while injustice

and evil abound.

I take no pleasure
in offerings, festivals;
bring me a clean heart.

Cease your wicked ways,

cleanse yourselves of all evil,

do good, seek justice.

Its never too late,

the invitation is there;

come to me, says God.

Your sins are scarlet,

they shall be like snow; crimson,

they'll become like wool..

I would not judge you;

be willing, obedient,

and all will be well.

© Ken Rookes 2022 

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...