Sunday, May 29, 2022

Promise (Holy Spirit)

Haiku for Pentecost

The works that I do,

John’s Jesus assures us, should

be enough for faith.

The works that he does

show his close relationship

with God, his Father.

The works that he does

will also be done, John says,

by those who believe.

Ask me anything,

Jesus says, I will do it.

All to God’s glory!

Show that you love me.

by keeping my commandments.

I’ll send my Spirit.

The Spirit of truth

is sent to stand beside you,

recalling my words..

John’s Jesus is sure,

full of authority, joined

and equal with God.

Peace: his parting gift

to his friends. Don’t be troubled,

do not be afraid.

© Ken Rookes 2022


Monday, May 23, 2022

Jesus is praying

Haiku of unity

Jesus is praying.

He prays for those who follow:

May we all be one.

Divine indwelling:

You in me and I in you;

may they dwell in us.

This deep unity,

purposed at creation’s core;

let nothing divide.

It’s all about love,

generosity ruling

all human dealings.

He knows his Father,

revealing God’s name of Love,

to all who listen.

Jesus’ rule of love,

given to direct our lives

and join us as one.

© Ken Rookes 2022


Sunday, May 22, 2022



Haiku of encouragement

Revelation’s book:

words to bring hope, encourage,

when all presses in.

The Lord returns soon

to reward and to repay

those who act with faith.

Alpha, Omega,

the first and the last; Jesus

bringing fulfilment.

Wedding images,

speaking of consummation

and invitation.

If you are thirsty

receive the water of life.

Come! It is God’s gift.

He did not come soon.

There must be deeper meaning

in these words of hope.

Come Lord! is their cry.

But is he still to come, or

already with us?

© Ken Rookes 2022


Monday, May 16, 2022

Pool of healing

Haiku of entry

In Jerusalem,

by the sheep gate; Beth-zatha

a pool of healing.

Beside Beth-zatha

pool, many invalids lie,

blind, lame, paralysed.



Ill thirty-eight years.

Jesus asks his strange question:

Would you be made well?

When the angel stirs

the water, I am too slow;

others enter first.

Stand, take your mat. Walk!

The man was made well, and walked.

It was the sabbath.

Rules have been broken.

Love brings healing and wholeness.

Let’s keep breaking rules.

© Ken Rookes 2022

The ones who love me


The ones who love me

Haiku for the faithful

The ones who love me,

they are those who hear my words,

who do what I say.

By your love you show

that you are mine, by keeping

my command to love.

Those who keep my word

are loved by God. We will come,

make our home with them.

Those who do not love,

who fail to keep my commands,

don’t belong to God.

I am with you still.

Soon I’ll be gone; the Spirit

will come in my name.

The Spirit speaks truth,

continues my work of peace.

Peace I leave with you.

I must go away,

to the Father; I return

to you as Spirit.

You love me: rejoice!

The new thing God is doing

is coming to pass!

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, May 9, 2022

Nothing else; only love.


Haiku of the essence

The new commandment:

as ancient as time itself,

as new as the dawn.

In love, self-giving,

in sacrifice and in death

God’s glory is found.

My children, shortly

I will be gone. You will search,

but you won’t find me.

Where I am going

you are not able to come.

I give you one rule.

Love one another,

in the same way that I love

you, you are to love.

One thing, nothing else;

by your love you will be known

as my disciples.

Being ruled by love

will be proof that you are mine.

Nothing else, just love.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, May 2, 2022

At one


Haiku for the flock

It is wintertime

in Solomon’s portico.

They come to Jesus.

Delay no longer,

answer us plainly: Are you

he, the Christ from God?

Why are you asking?

I have told you already;

you will not believe.

The works that I do

are done in my Father’s name;

you cannot see it.

You do not belong

to my sheep. My sheep can hear

my voice. I know them.

My sheep follow me.

I give them life eternal,

they will not perish.

My Father gives them

to me; my sheep. The Father

and I are at one.

Ken Rookes 2022

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...