Sunday, March 15, 2020

Do you really need to ask?

Haiku of essentials.

They were arguing
as do the theologians
of all descriptions.

The greatest command;
do you really need to ask?
You know what it is.

It is always love.
The only thing that matters.
All else is detail.

When they practise love,
the ones who pretend wisdom;
then all is made new.

So many liars,
claiming to be the greatest,
but lacking in love.

The PM, scoffing
at ‘unfunded empathy.’
Does love need funding?

The modern-day scribes
still crave places of honour;
and forget to love.

Generous loving;
never in fashion. Today
it’s all about me.

Even the widows
are more generous with love
than those who are rich.

© Ken Rookes 2020

From the Narrative Lectionary for the fourth Sunday in Lent

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