Thursday, May 11, 2017

News from Synod

News from Synod

Uniting Church 40th anniversary - 40 days of prayer

On Thursday 22 June the Uniting Church in Australia will be turning 40. In the lead-up to this date Church leaders and members will take part in 40 days of prayer. This national event begins in Melbourne on Sunday.
During this time, the whole Church is invited to pray together for renewal for ourselves, our communities, our world and our Church.
The UCA president and president-elect, the synod moderators as well as assembly and synod general secretaries plus representatives from the National Uniting and Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress are gathering in Melbourne for 40 continuous hours of prayer from 14 to 16 May.
The prayer focus is the continuing life and renewal of the Uniting Church. The 40 hours of prayer will commence at Wesley Church, Lonsdale Street, at 3pm on Sunday. Prayer will continue at 130 Little Collins Street from Monday morning to Tuesday morning.
Find out more here and here. Devotional resources are available here and here.
The '40 Days of Prayer’ emails, prepared by SA Moderator Rev Sue Ellis, will be sent daily from Sunday 14 May to Thursday 22 June. If you would like to receive the emails, please add your name and email address to the subscription list. For a downloadable version of the reflections please click here.

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