Sunday, January 4, 2015

Let it be so for now

None of us knows

how the future will unfold.

Nor should we seek to.

The future is what happens;

it can be shaped and influenced

for good or for ill. We make our choices.

To be wise is to accept one’s place of beginning

but not to be bound by it.

To be faithful

is to see the possibilities for living,

and, from that eclectic array,

select and implement those that create hope

and lead to life. Regardless

of the consequences.

To fulfil all righteousness

is to do the work of love.

Nothing more;

nothing less.

These are the things that produce divine pleasure

and joy among the angels.

Here, among these waters,

is a beginning,

and the first of many.

© Ken Rookes 2015

My apologies; this poem was written in response to Matthew’s account of the Baptism of Jesus, not that of Mark, as it should have been for Year B. I got lost in the lectionary.

1 comment:

Rev Gordon Bannon said...

beautiful poem Ken. Thank you.
Hope your 2015 is a blessed one.

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