Thursday, July 11, 2013

Good Samaritan Rap


One day there came to Jesus a dude who knew the law,
who tried to trick him; "Man," he said, "You know the score!
I want to find my life in God, tell me what to do!"
Jesus said, "You've read the Scriptures, so you should know what is true;
so tell me what they say!" The man opened up his mouth
and said, "Love your God and love your neighbour as yourself."
"You've got it right," said Jesus: "Now you've really made the scene!"
"But who, then, is my neighbour?" said the man. "What does it mean?"

He said, "You gotta love your neighbour!"
Yeah, but tell us what that means.                     (Twice)

So Jesus told a story, he said, "Once upon a time
a man was going down the road from big Jerusal-ime
to Jericho; sun was shining, he was feeling good,
'til some robbers leapt out of the trees and hit him with some wood.
They took his clothes and money, left him lying in the sun,
all a-bleeding and a bruis-ed, soon his life would all be gone.
He wondered as he lay there whether anyone would come
and render him assistance, yeah, he sure did hope for some.

"Well it happened that a holy man was headed down that way,
but when he say the wounded man, he didn't pause or stay -
he crossed the road and walked on by upon the other side;
he didn't seem to care whether the poor man lived or died.
Another man, a Levite, well respected in the town
came down the road and saw the man and gave a little frown.
He thought, 'I'd like to stop and help, but time I can't afford.'
And quickly moved a few steps to the far side of the road.

"Well the people of Samaria were like fans of Collingwood
all the other people thought that they were really not much good.
So when one came on down the road the battered man thought, 'No,
there's not much chance that he will stop.' But little did he know!
The Samaritan felt sorry, he bandaged up the man,
he put him on his donkey, yeah, he gave him a real hand.
He took him to a pub and gave some money to the Landlord.
'Look after him,' he said. 'I'll pay you back, I give my word'"

Then Jesus asked the teacher of the law, "What would you say;
which man acted like a neighbour to the injured man that day?"
He said, "The man who stopped to help, the Samaritan by name."
"That's right!" said Jesus, "He's the one; now go and do the same!"

You know you gotta be a neighbour
Yeah, 'cause that’s what it all means.                (Three times)

© Ken Rookes

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