Thursday, September 8, 2011

The tower of love

"Perhaps the images of 9-11-01 are present to us during the proclamations of today’s readings: the Twin Towers, fires, collapsing, falling bodies and the sounds of terror. How do we pray today as we stand at the foot of the single Tower of peace and mercy?

Forgiving is not the same as forgetting. We can never forget those pictures and sounds of four years ago today. If our powerful nations vengefully go after and destroy those forces who attacked the West because of our greed, religious intolerance or insensitivity and then our nations continue injurious actions, then in time we will be nine-elevened again.

We stand before the Single Tower of World-Love and ask God’s mercy on us who have been the violators of other countries, peoples and religions.

Justice is a compassionate virtue which discards violence as an easy option. With the holy water of our tears of grieving, we remember the horror and vengeful feelings we all had and maybe still have.

The challenge of Jesus is to be a forgiven person on a political level as well as the personal and to live in such a way that we can reverse the spiral of vengeance downwards and resurrect a true world-center trading in mercy, respect, and justice for all."

apologies that i do not know the author

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