Wednesday, September 28, 2011
What the ten commandments don’t say.
our mission
Monday, September 26, 2011
two ways of being church
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Is the Lord among us or not?
This is the question, dark and deep
that each person asks, (if we are honest)
from time to time.
Out here in the wilderness
we thirst and we wonder
if we should ever have left Egypt.
The mighty Nile never failed to deliver
its life-renewing waters;
but this Moses and his strange
disappearing God,
of them we are not so sure.
Out here in the wilderness,
away from secure streams
the questions intrude:
what will we drink tomorrow,
how shall we sustain ourselves,
our children and our animals?
Out here in the wilderness
with cracking soil, anxious crops
and lean livestock
we scan the skies and ask
whether the God who fashions clouds,
paints sunsets,
gathers snow in the heavenly storehouses
and brings to stillness the raging winds,
is still among us,
or not?
© Ken Rookes
Getting it right
A shame about my brother
being such a lazy kind;
if only he were more like me
with a caring heart and mind.
Be along in just a moment,
there's a few things I must do;
feel free to start without me --
You know I'm there for you.
Just checking my equipment
making sure that it's all right.
I'm so eager to get on with it,
I might work through the night.
Been training for this moment,
I've sat through many classes;
all those examinations
and all those credit passes.
I can't wait to get at it,
but I'd better take a pause
to mentally prepare myself
for shouldering the cause.
I think I'm nearly ready now,
with apron, gloves and knife,
to go down to the vineyard
and to do the work of life. But
perhaps the time is not yet right,
we mustn't rush these things;
need time to think and to be sure,
see what tomorrow brings.
© Ken Rookes
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Because no one had hired us
Because no one had hired us
we stood around all day
waiting, yarning. We watched as
landowners came and went,
striking deals and gathering their labour.
We could have thrust ourselves forward,
but we didn’t. The day was hot;
it would be cooler tomorrow.
At five, the shadows were starting to grow
long and it was pleasantly cool
when the landowner arrived.
(We had watched him come
and go throughout the day,
recruiting teams for his vineyard.)
Seems he still had grapes that needed picking.
Would we come?
We shrugged our collective shoulders.
Only an hour, but it might pay
for a cup of wine on the way home.
So we went,
picked a few baskets before the sun
finally withdrew its rays,
and lined up with the rest of them.
You wouldn’t believe it,
but he paid us late-comers first,
and gave us the full twelve hours!
He paid everyone the full twelve hours.
You’d need a knife to get the smiles
of our faces, but the six o’clock crowd
didn’t get the joke at all.
I’m coming back tomorrow!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
9/11 pledge
There were two paths forward from the ashes and rubble of 9/11: One path led to war, torture, and fear, but another path -- led by people of faith across the world -- was marked by soul-searching, genuine mourning for the lost, and standing up for peace-building and caring for our neighbors.
Although our government and many Australians, regrettably, have chosen the first path, the Uniting Church invites you to celebrate the alternative journey -- to stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters of all faiths, and no faith, who are helping to build a nation that reflects our best values.
On the 10th anniversary of 9/11, affirm your commitment to peace-building and reconciliation by signing this commemoration pledge:
I commit myself to work for building peace in my community and the world,
and to love my neighbors by standing against hate and fear.”
The tower of love
Forgiving is not the same as forgetting. We can never forget those pictures and sounds of four years ago today. If our powerful nations vengefully go after and destroy those forces who attacked the West because of our greed, religious intolerance or insensitivity and then our nations continue injurious actions, then in time we will be nine-elevened again.
We stand before the Single Tower of World-Love and ask God’s mercy on us who have been the violators of other countries, peoples and religions.
Justice is a compassionate virtue which discards violence as an easy option. With the holy water of our tears of grieving, we remember the horror and vengeful feelings we all had and maybe still have.
The challenge of Jesus is to be a forgiven person on a political level as well as the personal and to live in such a way that we can reverse the spiral of vengeance downwards and resurrect a true world-center trading in mercy, respect, and justice for all."
apologies that i do not know the author
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Be suspicious
Be suspicious, very suspicious,
of rich people
campaigning hard
to lower taxes.
Be suspicious, very suspicious,
of ambitious politicians
who pretend occupancy
of the high moral ground.
Be suspicious, very suspicious,
of good religious people
for whom methods
are validated by their purpose.
Be suspicious, very suspicious,
of those whose shrill voices
are inversely proportioned
to their respect for truth.
Be suspicious, very suspicious,
of any war
waged in any country
that has fields of oil.
Be suspicious, very suspicious,
of every party policy
that includes the word
© 2011 Ken Rookes
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Pharaoh’s army got drownded; Oh Mary, don’t you weep!
Was it Mary of Bethany,
weeping for her dead brother?
Perhaps Mary of Magdala,
weeping in the garden for her dead master?
Or Mary the mother,
weeping for her crucified son
as he is lowered from his cross?
There are a lot of weeping Marys;
which one was the old song-writer
seeking to console?
Cheer up, Mary, he is saying;
if God can consign the army of Pharaoh
to such a watery destruction,
he can surely remedy
your own cause for grief.
There must have been much weeping
also in Egypt, according to the story
told by the Hebrew people.
Every family from Pharaoh down,
weeping for their slain firstborn.
And now, the mothers, wives and children
of the noble and loyal soldiers
swept away by the sea;
and Moses’ God.
Can you hear them?
Oh Mary, don’t you weep.
Certainly Miriam is not weeping
as she leads the Hebrew people
in song and dance triumph and joy.
Pharaoh’s army got drownded!
© 2011 Ken Rookes
Monday, September 5, 2011
How often?
Taking the gospel literally,
he decided that he had better
forgive his brother
the required seventy-seven times.
This he did, diligently,
although at times it was a struggle,
(his brother not being known
for his efforts at self-improvement).
Then, at the seventy-eighth
offence, when he was entitled
to hold the grudge,
he discovered that forgiveness had taken hold.
Conquered by grace,
he had already forgiven
without intending to.
After that he stopped counting.
I am Joseph
Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...
About a century or two ago, the Pope decided that all the Jews had to leave the Vatican . Naturally there was a big uproar from the Jewish ...
Basic commandments for disciples. The Father loves me, and so, my friends, I love you; abide in my love. Keep my commandmen...