Monday, February 17, 2025

I am Joseph


Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15

Haiku of forgiveness

Joseph shows himself

to his brothers. It is I!

How is my father?

His brothers don't speak,

worried that Joseph might take

his revenge on them.

Come closer to me.

I am your brother, the one

you sold as a slave.

Do not be angry

or distressed; God has used me

to preserve much life.

Two years of famine

is followed by five more; God

sent me to save you.

Go to my father,

say, Your son Joseph is made

lord of all Egypt.

Come down to Egypt,

don't delay; I will provide

ev'rything you need.

This is God's doing!

Joseph kissed all his brothers

and wept upon them.

Ken Rookes © 2025

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