Reflecting on Isaiah chapter 6
Haiku for trembling
In the sixth chapter
of his book, Isaiah tells
how it all began.
A vision of God
on a throne, lofty; his hem
filling the temple.
Seraphs attending:
six wings. Covering faces,
feet; two wings flying.
Calling each other,
Holy holy holy; Earth
fills with God's glory.
The seraphs' voices
shook the temple; it is filled
with smoke and wonder.
Woe is me, I'm lost,
my lips are unclean, I dwell
among the unclean!
A seraph flew near
with a coal from the altar,
touched my mouth with it.
The Lord's voice cried out;
Who shall I send, who will go?
Here I am, send me!
Go and say to them.
Keep hearing: understanding
will not come to you.
You won't comprehend,
or turn to be healed, until
your land lies in ruin.
© Ken Rookes 2025