Monday, February 24, 2025


Reflecting on Ex. 34:29-35

Haiku of wonder

Moses descended

from Mt Sinai, having spent

time in God's presence.

Moses' hands carried

the two covenant tablets;

his face was shining.

Moses' face shone bright

from God's presence. The people

wouldn't come near him.

He called his brother,

Aaron and all the leaders;

told them what God said.

All Israel came

near. Moses declared to them

all that God told him.

When Moses finished

he put a veil on his face

to hide the shining.

© Ken Rookes 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025

I am Joseph


Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15

Haiku of forgiveness

Joseph shows himself

to his brothers. It is I!

How is my father?

His brothers don't speak,

worried that Joseph might take

his revenge on them.

Come closer to me.

I am your brother, the one

you sold as a slave.

Do not be angry

or distressed; God has used me

to preserve much life.

Two years of famine

is followed by five more; God

sent me to save you.

Go to my father,

say, Your son Joseph is made

lord of all Egypt.

Come down to Egypt,

don't delay; I will provide

ev'rything you need.

This is God's doing!

Joseph kissed all his brothers

and wept upon them.

Ken Rookes © 2025

Monday, February 10, 2025

Like trees


Reflecting on Jeremiah 17:5-10

Haiku of trust

Trusting in the strength

of mere mortals is futile;

need to trust in God.

They're like desert shrubs

struggling to survive each day

in parched, salty land.

Blest are those who trust

in God; they will be like trees

planted by water.

When the days of heat

come, their roots find the moisture

and their leaves stay green.

In the times of drought

the tree with deep roots survives

and keeps bearing fruit.

The heart deceives us;

We are subject to its whims

and wants. It tricks us.

The Lord tests the mind,

searches the heart, judging us

by the things we do.

Ken Rookes 2025

Monday, February 3, 2025

Who shall I send?

Reflecting on Isaiah chapter 6

Haiku for trembling

In the sixth chapter

of his book, Isaiah tells

how it all began.

A vision of God

on a throne, lofty; his hem

filling the temple.

Seraphs attending:

six wings. Covering faces,

feet; two wings flying.

Calling each other,

Holy holy holy; Earth

fills with God's glory.

The seraphs' voices

shook the temple; it is filled

with smoke and wonder.

Woe is me, I'm lost,

my lips are unclean, I dwell

among the unclean!

A seraph flew near

with a coal from the altar,

touched my mouth with it.

The Lord's voice cried out;

Who shall I send, who will go?

Here I am, send me!

Go and say to them.

Keep hearing: understanding

will not come to you.

You won't comprehend,

or turn to be healed, until

your land lies in ruin.

© Ken Rookes 2025


Responding to Genesis ch. 15 Haiku of promise The great patriarch has a vision from the Lord; he's told, Do not fear! The Lor...