Monday, December 30, 2024

Mourning into joy


Haiku of promise

(Jeremiah 31:7-14)

The Lord says, Shout out!

Sing gladly, sing out loud, praise

the chief of nations.

Proclaim, praise and say:

Lord, save them; those who remain,

of Jacob's offspring.

They had been scattered,

Jacob's children; the remnant

shall now be brought home.

Rejoice, Israel,

from the earth's most distant parts

they shall return here.

They'll come with weeping

the lame, the blind, those with child,

and those in labour.

They will walk by streams

on straight paths. They'll not stumble,

I'll be their father.

Let all nations hear:

I now gather the scattered;

Jacob is redeemed.

They will be joyful

at the harvest; grain, wine, oil,

showing God's goodness.

Flock and herd prosper!

They'll be like watered gardens,

they shall not languish

Young women shall dance,

young men and old make merry;

mourning turns to joy.

© Ken Rookes 2024

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Responding to Genesis ch. 15 Haiku of promise The great patriarch has a vision from the Lord; he's told, Do not fear! The Lor...