Christianity is under attack! they cry.
I respond inwardly, keeping my thoughts to myself.
Good! It has been ever so,
or at least, it should have been.
I will join in the attack,
there is so much that denies the kingdom,
so much that despises the words
that we declare came from the carpenter’s lips.
He was up-front with his followers,
told how he would suffer, be put to death
for the words he spoke, the things he did.
Said they could expect the same.
We are frightened
watching with alarm as the privileges of our glorious past
are challenged and slowly stripped away.
This cannot be God’s will! Surely this is not right!
But, perhaps it is right;
maybe it is God’s will. When all else is removed;
when what remains of Christianity
is love, bleeding and incarnate,
then we might be said to have arrived
at the gates of the kingdom,
and we should have cause to rejoice.
Ken Rookes 2024
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