Monday, August 26, 2024

A song of love

Haiku for Spring

Springtime rhapsody,

the name of this love poem

here, in my bible.

Look! A young stag bounds

leaping mountains; imaging


The stag stands beyond

the wall, gazing at windows,

entranced by the view.

My beloved speaks

his invitation: Arise

my love, come with me!

The winter retreats,

withdrawing its rain; flowers

emerge from the earth.

Listen to the birds!

The fig tree produces fruit,

fecundity rules!

Fragrant vines blossom.

They call: Arise my fair one,

my love; come away!

© Ken Rookes 2024

Monday, August 19, 2024

Solomon prays

Haiku for a dedication

Solomon offers

his prayer of dedication

having built God’s house.

Before God’s altar

in the presence of Israel,

the King spread his hands.

There is none like you,

Lord, in heaven or on earth;

keeping your promise.

You told my father,

David, that his successors

would sit on his throne.

God, you dwell on earth

by grace; we don’t imagine

this house contains you.

Hear my prayer, O Lord,

watch over this house, hear us;

listen and forgive.

When foreigners come

and offer prayers in this place,

listen to them, too.

All people of earth

shall know your name and fear you,

coming here to pray.

© Ken Rookes 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

An understanding mind

 Haiku for a succession

David’s reign ended

with his death; he was buried

in Jerusalem.

His rule had been long,

forty years in all. His reign

brought stability.

Solomon followed

David as king.. We are told

that he loved the Lord.

Seeking God’s favour,

Solomon burns incense, makes

many offerings.

God speaks in a dream.

What do you ask of me, now

that you reign as king?

Solomon answers:

You were good to my father;

look upon my youth.

I would rule wisely

and govern well; grant me an

understanding mind.

The Lord is well pleased.

You asked for wisdom; granted,

you’ll have it in spades.

As well a wisdom

I’ll give you honour and wealth;

there’ll be none like you.

I’ll give you long life,

too, if you walk in my ways,

like your father did.

© Ken Rookes 2024

Monday, August 5, 2024

Absalom, my son!


Haiku of a father’s love.

Absalom rebelled

against his Father, reaching

out to grab the throne.

Much blood had been spilled.

David’s forces were winning;

Spare my son, he said.

The battle was fierce,

the slaughter, great. Absalom

flees upon his mule.

Hanging by his hair,

Absalom’s enemies come;

show him no mercy.

They bring a report

to David: May all your foes

be like that young man!

He retreats, weeping.

Absalom, my son! I would

have died in your place!

© Ken Rookes 2024

A capable wife

Haiku of exceptional virtue A celebration of womanhood. The bar is high, some find it daunting. No mere appendage, this wo...