Monday, October 30, 2023

Let the wars begin

 Haiku to challenge the narrative

Story of wonder;

defying physics. Who knows

what really happened?

Joshua is told

that God will be with him, as

God was with Moses.

He is in command;

Joshua instruct the priests

at Jordan’s waters.

Selected leaders,

twelve, bear the Covenant’s Ark

across the Jordan.

Symbolic presence;

God will drive the foreigners

from their own country

Colonising God,

a most disturbing image;

should we accept it?

As their feet get wet

Jordan’s flow is arrested.

The people pass through.

The entire nation

crossed into the promised land.

Let the wars begin.

Monday, October 23, 2023

It is not for you

Haiku for an ending

Moses has grown old.

Years of desert wanderings

end at Mt Nebo.

Look upon the land,

says God: Gilead, Ephraim,

Jericho, Judah.

I swore to Jacob,

Isaac and Abraham, this

land is for their heirs.

It is not for you.

I show it to you, but, no;

you shall not cross there.

Weary, but fulfilled,

he has seen the promised land;

Moses is at rest.

Moses, God’s servant,

was buried in Moab; his

grave remains unmarked.

He was unequalled

in signs and wonders; knowing

the Lord face to face.

Israel’s new leader

is Joshua; wise, chosen

by Moses and God.

© 2023 Ken Rookes

Monday, October 16, 2023

You cannot see my face

Haiku of mystery

Moses, God converse.

Mo seeks details, wants to know

what God is planning

Moses presses God:

If I have found favour, then

show me your ways, God.

These people are yours,

care for them. I am with you,

I will give you rest.

Will you go with us?

If your presence will not go

don’t send us from here.

With you as our God

we will be special, unique

among the nations.

I do as you ask,

I look on you with favour,

I know you by name.

Moses asks, Show me

your glory. The Lord agrees.

I shall pass by you.


Seeing my glory

you will proclaim the Lord’s name.

I will be gracious.

I will show myself

but you cannot see my face,

not if you would live.

Hide in this cleft rock

while my glory passes by,

you shall see my back.

The back view of God

Yes, I think that I’d take that,

if it was offered.

© Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, October 9, 2023

A calf of gold

Haiku for an angry God

Moses is delayed

on the mountain. The people

are concerned, anxious.

This elusive God

is not what they want. Give us

a god we can grasp.

A god to guide us,

a god we can take with us;

make us such a god.

All right, said Aaron,

give me all your gold, the rings

that hang from your ears.

Aaron took the rings,

melting them, cast an image

of a golden calf.

He built an altar.

Tomorrow we sacrifice,

celebrate our god!

The people ate, drank

and rose up to revel. God

was most unimpressed.

Go back down, Moses.

They have turned away from me,

these faithless people.

Now leave me, said God,

my wrath burns hot against them,

I will consume them.

Take it easy, God.

You brought them out of Egypt,

don’t waste it all, now.

You gave a promise

to Abe, Isaac, and Jacob;

you would make them great.

Moses convinced God

to change his mind. Disaster

averted, thank God.

© Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, October 2, 2023



Haiku for ordering a community

Ten. A good number.

one for every finger;

Easy to keep count.

Ten rules for living

establishing some limits

to bad behaviour.

First up, God. Just one,

no others, don’t make idols,

don’t misuse God’s name.

Day number seven,

keep it holy. Rest, don’t work;

got six days for that.

Respect your parents.

When they grow old and useless

still look after them.

Murder’s not allowed,

neither is adultery.

Be faithful and true.

Don’t steal. That includes

wage theft, ripping people off,

and tax avoidance.

Don’t falsely accuse

or tell lies about people.

(Very relevant!)

Your neighbour’s house, wife,

slave, donkey; don’t covet them.

Try to be content

Thunder and lightning,

a trumpet’s blast. Is it God?

The people tremble.

We hear you, Moses,

but don’t let God speak to us;

we would surely die.

© Ken Rookes 2023

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...