Monday, April 24, 2023

The first believers

Haiku for lefties


The first believers

living for fellowship, prayer,

the breaking of bread.

The signs were many,

the wonders, too. Apostles

doing Jesus’ work.


Awe rested on them.

With no thought for tomorrow

they shared all they had.

Selling possessions

and worldly goods, the proceeds

shared with the needy.

Praying together

in the temple, breaking bread

in each other’s home.

People were impressed;

day by day new folk joined them,

put their trust in God.

So utopian,

this social experiment;

shame it didn’t last.

Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, April 17, 2023

The promise to you


Haiku for a preacher

Powerful preaching

from one touched by the Spirit;

the man called Peter,

He preaches Jesus,

given over, put to death;

raised to life once more

The assembled crowd

is deeply moved by his words;

ask, what should we do?.

He tells them “Repent!

Be baptised in Jesus’ name;

ev’ry one of you.

You’ll be forgiven

and you’ll receive the Spirit,

be joined into God.

The promise to you

and all who are far away:

Find your life in God!

© Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, April 10, 2023

Peter, once frightened.

Haiku for witnesses

Peter, once frightened,

no longer fearing to die.

stood before the crowd.

I speak of Jesus,

who came among us with signs

he was sent from God.

You ignored his words

and killed him. But it goes on:

God raised him to life.

Full of life and love;

why should we be surprised that 

death could not hold him?

He was crucified;

now God has raised him from death.

We are witnesses.

© Ken Rookes 2023 

Monday, April 3, 2023

Haiku of the Passion

Gethsemane. Night.

The struggle. Will he retreat,

or accept his path?

Who are you seeking?

He asked the mob. I am he;

let these others go.

When those in power

control the courts, the verdict

is never in doubt.

Do you follow him?

How shall I answer? Am I

brave enough for “Yes!”

So you are a king?

Yes; but not the kind of king

that Pilate expects.

He hangs, suspended,

arms stretched out; at one with us

and all who suffer.

Order is reversed.

Through weakness, strength; through death, life;

fear gives way to love.

© Ken Rookes 2023

You shall plant vineyards

 Haiku of restoration

Everlasting love.

The stuff that matters. From God.

All else falls away.

The time is coming

When I’ll reclaim my people;

I will be their God

They survived the sword,

found grace in the wilderness;

the Lord came to them.

Such big promises;

God’s faithfulness continues.

Nothing can stop it.

My people are lost;

in love I shall restore them;

I’ll build them again.

Take your tambourines

and dance in celebration;

our God is with us!

You shall plant vineyards

on Samaria’s mountains

and gather the fruit.

On Ephraim’s hillsides

they’ll call: ”Let’s go to Zion

to worship the Lord”

© Ken Rookes

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...