Monday, April 25, 2022


 Haiku of commission

John writes his postscript.

Some disciples go fishing.

The fish elude them.

Daybreak. A man stands

upon the shore: Cast your nets

on the other side!

The nets are weighed down.

So many fish. They struggle

to haul them on board.

It must be the Lord!

Fisher-disciple Peter

jumps in, wades ashore.

A charcoal fire

with bread and fish. The stranger

offers them breakfast.

None ask, Who are you?

Strange observation; must be

different, somehow.

Thrice Peter is asked

Simon, do you love me? He

is hurt. Lord, you know.

You know I love you,

Peter affirms. Feed my sheep;

follow where I lead.

Risen Jesus, Lord:

give us courage to follow,

even unto death.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, April 18, 2022


Haiku for believing

Sunday evening,

so the story goes; doors locked,

he comes among them.

A greeting of peace.

Perhaps this is proof enough

that he is risen.

Again he speaks peace,

breathes the Spirit upon them.

Continue my work!

Give the people hope,

Speak God’s word of forgiveness

and new beginnings.

Thomas was not there.

I must see his wounded hands

before I believe.

What proof do I need

that he lives, moves among us;

who will I believe?

Those who have not seen,

who hear my words and follow;

they are truly blessed.

John tells his story:

Know that Jesus is the Christ;

find true life in him!

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Sabbath had passed

Haiku of the rising

The Sabbath had passed.

The women came to the tomb

with spices of love.

The tomb was empty.

The stone had been rolled away.

Much bewilderment.

Two men appeared, bright,

shining with eternity.

The women trembled.

Why look here, among

the dead. The one whom you seek

is with the living.

These things that happened,

death giving way to rising;

a purpose divine.

They sought out the men

with their unlikely story.

They were not believed,

Resurrection’s proof

remains elusive. Made real

only by a few.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, April 4, 2022

The finish

Haiku of the passion

An unnamed person

gives them a room to gather

for the special meal.

Sitting with his friends.

I shall not eat in this way

until the kingdom.

Take and share this cup;

I shall drink from it no more

til the kingdom comes.

Giving thanks, he broke

the bread, gave it to his friends:

This is my body.

They were arguing;

Who is the greatest? He spoke:

The greatest must serve.

The garden, praying.

Father, if it be your will,

take this cup from me.

They arrested him.

In the dark courtyard, Peter

denies his master.

You are a prophet!

Guards mock the blindfolded man:

Tell us who struck you!

The leaders ask him;

Are you the Christ? My answer

won’t matter; why ask?

Herod returns him

in a purple robe. Justice

is not his concern.

Pilate must decide.

For expedience, the man

receives his sentence.

Barabbas walks free.

He has drawn the lucky card.

Jesus stands condemned.

There, beyond the walls

he is crucified. Thieves form

a cruel symmetry.

Words of mockery

are met with words of welcome

and grace. The man dies.

© Ken Rookes 2022


Haiku for an uprising

The unbroken colt

is brought, as per instructions.

Jesus mounts and rides.

Garments line the road.

The company of his friends

sing and shout praises.

The expectation

is great: The revolution

must be upon us!

Concerned for order,

Pharisees command silence.

The stones will cry out!

Weeps for the city.

Were you paying attention

you might have known peace!

Reaching the temple,

the traders are driven out.

God’s house is restored.

Not the uprising

some had hoped for. This conquest

will be won by love.

© Ken Rookes 2022

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...