Monday, January 25, 2021

Whose authority

Haiku of astonishment

The unclean spirit:

a useful explanation

for much illnesses.

At Capernaum

he taught in the synagogue.

It was the Sabbath.

He taught and he healed.

The question on all lips: by

whose authority?

The unclean spirit

was noisy, challenging him.

Jesus rebuked him.

As the story goes

the spirit came out of him,

crying out loudly.

They were astounded

by Jesus and his teaching:

Where did this come from?

The news spread quickly:

Even the unclean spirits

do what he commands!

What authority?

That of the kingdom of God

of truth, grace and hope.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, January 18, 2021


Haiku for the ready

First, John the Baptist.

Mark moves him from centre-stage,

has him arrested.

Proclaiming good news

Jesus came to Galilee:

The time is fulfilled!

The Kingdom of God

comes nearer with every word

that I speak to you.

Simon and Andrew,

fishing brothers casting nets;

Jesus calls to them.

Come and follow me,

together we will call folk

into God’s kingdom.

We’ll share divine life,

filled with love, shaped by mercy,

transfigured through hope.

Brothers James and John

mending nets on board their boat,

Jesus calls them, too.

So Simon, Andrew,

James and John, hearing the call,

leave their nets behind.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, January 11, 2021

He's from Nazareth!


Haiku for beginning

John knows how to tell

a good yarn; no half-measures.

Jesus starts his work.

Jesus meets Andrew,

is introduced to Simon,

comes to Galilee.

Jesus found Philip,

put the hard word on him: Come,

follow me, he said.

Philip is convinced,

goes off to find his brother;

one Nathanael.

He’s from Nazareth!

Nathan is bemused. No-one

worthwhile comes from there!

Jesus laughs. Philip,

I see you’re an Israelite,

honest and true blue!

How do you know me?

I saw you in my mind’s eye,

under the fig tree.

Nathan is amazed,

exclaims: You must be God’s Son,

and Israel’s King!

Jesus answers him:

You’ve not seen anything yet!

(He exaggerates.)

Heaven will open,

angels will descend upon

God’s Son. What wonder!

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, January 4, 2021



Haiku for a calling

In the wilderness,

beyond the civil, polite,

and respectable.

Camel-hair jacket,

belt of leather, dining on

locusts, wild honey.

John the enigma,

known as baptiser, calling

people to repent.

I am nobody,

John declared. One is coming

far greater than I.

Jesus came to John

from Nazareth in the North;

Baptise me, he said.

Jesus emerges

from the Jordan to the dove

and to heaven’s voice.

Jesus is baptised

in God’s Spirit, and confirmed

in his ministry.

Baptised in water,

he will baptise his friends with

the Holy Spirit

This is the moment

and this is the man, says John.

He of whom I spoke.

© Ken Rookes 2020

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...