Sunday, April 19, 2020

The word that brings life

Haiku of wholeness

He couldn’t escape.
The people recognised him;
the word spread, they came.

For the miracles
and the healings they gathered,
pleading, insistent.

Wherever he went
they came for the miracles,
more than for his words.

Jump a year or two,
he is no longer with them,
except in Spirit.

At the Lovely Gate
disciples Peter and John:
the lame man begs alms.

Following their Lord
they speak a healing word, pull
off a miracle.

Walking and leaping,
the healed man sang God’s praises.
They were all amazed.

Better than silver,
more valuable than gold;
God’s word that brings life.

© Ken Rookes 2020

Posted in response to the two bible readings from the Narrative Lectionary for the 3rd Sunday of Easter.

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