Monday, June 24, 2019

With time running out

Haiku for decisions

With time running out
Jesus knew that he must go
to Jerusalem.

The company came
to a Samaritan town,
but they were rebuffed.

Why Jerusalem?
If you’re only passing through
don’t bother to stay.

We should punish them;
call down fire! said James and John.
Jesus rebuked them.

I will follow you,
a man said. Foxes have holes,
but I am homeless.

I will follow you,
a man said, but I must wait
for father to die.

The dead must bury
their own. Leave them, you must go
proclaim God’s kingdom.

I will follow you,
but first I must say farewell
to my family.

To plough a straight line
you cannot keep looking back;
likewise the kingdom.

© Ken Rookes 2019

Monday, June 17, 2019

Gerasene contry

Haiku for crazy people

Gerasene country:
among the tombs and the swine,
the broken man roams.

Naked to the world,
cut off from society
he is in torment.

With shackles and chains
they have tried to restrain him.
The man is too strong.

When Jesus arrives
Legion comes to confront him,
bringing his demons.

Whether it’s demons,
mental illness, brain damage;
he still needs healing.

The swine dash headlong
into the lake, carrying
dark spirits with them.

The towns-people came
and found the man clothed and sane,
sitting with Jesus.

Please leave us Jesus,
it’s all too much, we’re frightened!
So he departed.

Let me come with you,
the man begged. No, said Jesus,
Go, declare God’s deeds.

So the man went home
restored; to live, to love, and
to tell his story.

© Ken Rookes 2019

Monday, June 10, 2019

One and three.

Grappling haiku

They call it myst’ry
this trinity thing, holding
concepts in tension.

After all these years
I still don’t really get it.
I don’t think God minds.

Think how Parent God,
with Jesus and the Spirit,
strangely coalesce.

One God, three persons,
traditional formula:
all else heresy!

Does our imagined
God monitor errant thoughts;
scoring our faith?

Perhaps I also
am heretic. Woe is me!
Or does it matter?

The truth that matters:
God somehow strangely present
in our loving deeds.

O Holy Spirit,
Divine Parent and His Son,
let me live in you.

© Ken Rookes 2019

Monday, June 3, 2019

The Spirit will come

Haiku of promise

They sing lots of songs,
sweet romantic songs of love,
to Jesus on high.

Do you cringe at them,
those romantic songs of love,
Jesus, Son of Man?

If we love Jesus
it’s not about singing songs,
but obedience.

Pouring his Spirit
on the ones who prove their love,
doing what he says.

The Spirit will come
to abide in and with you,
present in my place.

He stands beside you,
an advocate and teacher,
recalling my words.

I give you my peace,
my Spirit and my presence
to guide your living.

When the troubles come
let your hearts rise above them;
do not be afraid.

© Ken Rookes 2019

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...