Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A different sort of King

Here in Colossians is a crucified man wearing a crown of thorns.
King Jesus. The wounded healer. The bloodied reconciler. The one who lays down his life for others. This is Jesus our king, the one who turns all other ideas of kingship inside out.

Here is the humble son of Mary.
The apprentice of his earthly father, Joseph the carpenter.
A village man who become an itinerant preacher and healer.
The fellow who listened to women with an unusual respect in what was a man’s world
Here is a young physician actually touching untouchable lepers.
A blesser of street kids (not the same thing as kissing babies before an election!!)
A dinner guest among the equivalent of bikies and beach bums.
The saviour trusted by prostitutes and tax collectors.
Friend of foreigners and fishermen.
A servant washing the feet of guests.
The wanted man slipping through city streets by night.
A soul in agony, praying  in an Olive grove.
The young rabbi betrayed by a disciple.
Prisoner in kangaroo court, abused by the police guards.
Condemned man, mocked, flogged and spat upon.
A victim carrying his own cross to the Place of the Skull.
The crucified man, speaking forgiveness on his foes.
A corpse hastily buried in a borrowed tomb,
The stranger walking with men on the road to Emmaus.
A host with wounded hands, cooking a fish breakfast for his friends on the shores of Galilee
The everliving One, The Alpha and Omega, separated by a cloud from his disciples, so that he might incognito be with them always.


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