Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The whiffenpoof song

On good shepherd Sunday (and feeling annoyed at being referred to as a sheep)i am often reminded of this song. Perhaps a little satirical?

The Whiffenpoof Song"written by Meade Minnigerode, George S. Pomeroy
and Judge Todd B. Galloway, Copyright 
© 1909

To the tables down at Morey's,
to the place where Louie dwells,
to the dear old Temple Bar we love so well . . .
Sing the Whiffenpoofs assembled
with their glasses raised on high
and the magic of their singing casts it's spell . . .
Yes, the magic of their singing
of the songs we love so well
"Shall I Wasting" and "Mavourneen" and the rest.
We will serenade our Louie
while life and voice shall last,
then we'll pass and be forgotten with the rest . . .
We're poor little lambs
who have lost our way,
Baa Baa Baa,
We're little black sheep
who have gone astray
Baa Baa Baa.
Gentlemen songsters off on a spreedoomed from here to eternity,
Lord, have mercy on such as we,
Baa Baa Baa.

If you go here you will be able to hear it.

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