Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Australian guide to Sheep rearing

 some advice from an official Australian Guide to Sheep Rearing. First the advantages.
1. The Advantages
1. Herding Instinct. Sheep tend to stay together.
2. Reproduction. Sheep are quick growing and multiply easily.
3. Obedience. Sheep can be trained to obey.
2. The Disadvantages
1. Sheep are not adapted to heat and dryness.
2. Sheep can’t survive without adequate food.
3. Sheep are fragile. Their rough appearance is deceptive.
4. Sheep are naturally defenseless.
5. Sheep are susceptible to parasites
6. Sheep must be watched continually.
7. Sheep need protection at night.
8. Sheep are short sighted. They can only see 6 feet ahead.
Perhaps we can begin to understand why Jesus says we are like sheep and he is our shepherd. 

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