Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jesus wept

Jesus wept.

John 11:35

on white paper the words

are moved about urgently

but they refuse to function.

the horror is too great,

the grief too profound;

there can be no poem.

only questions;

impotent and inadequate.

the pain continues.

robbed of any power,

the words are dismissed;

let them remain unspoken,

let there be silence.

let tears and emptiness express

the aching and the mystery.

Ken Rookes.

Yes, even in the midst of Easter's joy there are those who experience anguish and grief. I post this poem in memory of my brother Neil.


Rev Gordon Bannon said...

Really sorry to hear of your brother. Thanks for the poem.

Ali M said...

Beautiful Ken, it expresses our grief so well, {{hugs}}

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