Leader: Let us pray for all who have been affected by the floods in the last week
Silence to reflect the needs of others during these times
ALL: Gracious heavenly Father,
Shock and sorrow is dominating our lives.
Bring your hope among us.
Help us as we ponder the loss of lives and property
as a result of the last weeks events.
Bring comfort to those whose lives have altered so much in the last week and who suffer greatly.
Mercifully embrace those who are frightened.
Look with love and compassion on those who mourn.
Restrain those who seek to instigate such destruction.
And give strength to all who offer care, support and rescue efforts during this time.
Help us and all others be your healing hands and comforting arms during this time.
So that all in need may experience your compassion, grace and mercy.
In Jesus Christ we pray. Amen
from a service found at https://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgjf3bcp_7ctw5xpgc
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