The wise
know that there is no God.
They trust in human intelligence.
Medical breakthroughs that hint towards
the eternal life that God
can no longer be trusted to deliver,
Computers, robotics
and artificial intelligences
that make us appear as gods.
Discoverers of secrets; the atom,
dna, deep space and the intricacies
of the human mind. Clever, we are;
indeed, but not yet wise enough
to live beyond our fears,
and not yet ready to forsake our idols:
the mammon-wealth that we worship,
the comfort that we covet and guard,
the silver glimmering distractions
whose soothing seductions
we implore so that our emptiness
may be momentarily filled.
We, who are wise,
know that there is no God.
Then, having satisfied each other
with our demonstrated cleverness,
we find intruding strange
and uninvited thoughts that disturb
our spirits and lead us into wondering.
Here are ideas, reports and stories;
of peace, generosity and sacrifice,
of justice and compassion,
of selflessness and grace.
But still there is no God.
© 2011 Ken Rookes