I pray your Easter journey was a meaningful one. For me it was very strange not preparing for services for Holy week for the first time in over 25 years. This Easter i found myself listening to the classic Album by Pink Floyd "The dark side of the moon." in which i found a sort of reflection of the darkness of Good Friday (not everyone's cup of tea i know), and at Easter i shared the sunrise with friends looking out over the Bush and reading of Jesus' resurrection from Scripture, followed by fish and bread cooked over a campfire.
This poem by Denise Levertov has also informed my Easter meaning as well. It is called 'Translucence'.
Hope you find sabbath space to refresh and rest this week.
"Once I understood (till I forget, at least)
the immediacy of new life, Vita Nuova,
redemption not stuck in linear delays,
I perceived also (for now) the source
of unconscious light in faces
I believe are holy, not quite transparent,
more like the half-opaque whiteness
of Japanese screens or lampshades,
grass or petals imbedded in that paper-thin
substance which is not paper as this is paper,
and which permits the passage of what is luminous
though forms remain unseen behind its protection.
I perceived that in such faces, through
the translucence we see, the light we intuit
is of the already resurrected, each
a Lazarus, but a Lazarus (man or woman)
without the memory of tomb or of any
swaddling bands except perhaps
the comforting ones of their first
infant hours, the warm receiving-blanket…
They know of themselves nothing different
from anyone else. This great unknowing
is part of their holiness. They are always trying
to share out joy as if it were cake or water,
something ordinary, not rare at all."
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