Monday, September 30, 2024


Haiku for testing

Wealth and possessions

have long been seen as proof of

a virtuous life.

Surely God blesses

the ones who are deserving!

Yes, but not always.

The poor are not blessed;

their poverty evidence

of their shortcomings.

The story of Job,

written to challenge. The good

don’t always prosper.

In the land of Uz,

so the ancient tale goes; lived

Job, a righteous man.

Blameless and upright,

bulk money, stacks of children;

Job had a good life.

God boasts about Job.

Satan calls his bluff. Test him;

let’s see what he does!

In but a moment

it is gone. Taken away,

the blessings withdrawn.

Job remains faithful.

God boasts again. Satan laughs;

I’ll really test him!

Satan inflicts Job

with sores from head to toe. Let’s

see what he says, now!

Job’s wife speaks to him:

Enough! It is surely time

to curse God and die!

Job replies:

The good we receive

comes from God, surely we must

accept the bad, too.

© Ken Rookes 2020, 24

Monday, September 23, 2024


Haiku of creative courage

A beautiful girl

captivates a king, becomes

Queen. No real power.

Hatred-filled Haman

plots against the Jews; the King’s

tricked into helping.

Esther is alarmed,

sends word to Mordecai: ask

my people to pray.

Not just a pretty

face, Esther is resourceful,

brave. Hatches a plan.

At Queen Esther’s feast

Haman and King make merry,

the King is well pleased.

What are you asking,

Queen Esther? It shall be yours;

take half my kingdom!

She tells of the plot

to kill her people. That means

I must die with them.

The King is angry.

Who has done this? Esther waves,

There he sits: Haman!

A servant points out

gallows built for Mordecai,

whose word saved the King.

Hang him, the King said,

on those gallows! (Poetic!)

Then the King calmed down.

Faithful Mordecai,

keeps records, sends out letters:

celebrate these days!

This sorrow-filled month

has become glad; share your food,

remember the poor.

© Ken Rookes 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

A capable wife

Haiku of exceptional virtue

Celebration of

womanhood. The bar is high,

some find it daunting.

No mere appendage,

this woman is capable,

independent, too.

She is resourceful,

skilful, does ev’rything – more

that a man might do

This amazing wife

never rests, organises

her house with aplomb.

Filled with charity,

industrious, making warm

clothes for her household.

At the city gates

her husband is found, sitting

among the elders.

This woman is strong.

She is clothed in dignity,

kindness and wisdom.

Blessed by her children

and praised by her husband: You

surpass all women!

Charm is deceitful,

beauty passes; she who fears

God is to be praised.

© Ken Rookes 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024

Wisdom calls


Haiku for the wise

Calling in the street,

Wisdom cries out for wisdom,

stead of ignorance.

How long will they choose

foolishness, how long will they

despise the science?

How long will they make

a virtue of ignorance;

taking pride in it?

I stretched out my hand,

says wisdom, to offer you

counsel; you refused.

Disaster awaits

you, but you have made your choice.

I’ll laugh at your plight.

Calamity comes,

and they’ll call to me for help;

but I’ll ignore them.

They chose ignorance

over the fear of the Lord.

Such stupidity!

They have rejected

Wisdom’s counsel; let them eat

Futility’s fruit.

They have turned away

from God’s wisdom to the path

of death, destruction.

But those who listen

to Wisdom will be secure,

finding peace, not fear.

© Ken Rookes 2024

Monday, September 2, 2024

A good name


Haiku of reputation and regard

Is a good name still

better than riches, in this

get-all-you-can world?

To have little wealth

but a good reputation;

I hope I’d choose that.

To have good regard;

better than silver or gold?

Not all would concur.

The rich and the poor

owe their existence to God.

Remind them of that!

Those who are unjust,

will reap the consequences

of their perfidy.

Generous people

will find blessing as they share

their bread with the poor.

God watches over

the poor; you who exploit them

will be made to pay.


Reputations don’t

seem to matter much these days,

bad people still rule.

© Ken Rookes 2024

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...