Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Legendary Tales

Haiku for rivals

Legendary tales

of wars, battles and giants,

and a boy hero.

King Saul honours and

promotes him. The boy succeeds

in all of his tasks.

David plays music

to soothe the erratic king;

doesn’t always work.

God was with David,

no longer favouring Saul.

Saul did what he could.

Army commander

David is sent off to fight,

returns in triumph.

The Lord was with him

and the people loved David;

they will follow him.

Saul has good reason

to fear. David has emerged

as a real rival.

© Ken Rookes 2024

Monday, June 10, 2024

Take your oil and anoint him

Haiku of choosing

Saul disobeyed God,

so the ancient story goes;

limits the slaughter.

This ancient notion

of a ruthless God, disturbs;

leads us to question.

. . .

Saul was rejected.

God told Samuel, the Judge,

to choose a new king.

Fill your horn with oil,

go to the house of Jesse;

it’s at Bethlehem.

One of Jesse’s sons

is destined to be made king.

I have chosen him.

If Saul hears of it

I’m dead meat! Take a heifer;

make a sacrifice.

The elders come out

from Bethlehem. They’re trembling.

Have you come in peace?

I make sacrifice

to God. Come, join me. You too,

Jesse; and your sons.

The first, Eliab,

came before him. Surely he

is God’s anointed!

But no; for God looks

not upon a man’s stature,

but upon his heart.

In all, seven sons

are brought before Samuel.

Is there another?

The youngest, David,

is with the sheep. Send for him,

we’ll wait ‘til he comes.

The lad was ruddy.

Take your oil and anoint him;

he’s the one, says God.

© Ken Rookes 2024

Monday, June 3, 2024

Give us a king!

 Haiku of rejection

Sons bringing disgrace

upon families; Eli,

and now Samuel.

Samuel, you’re old

and your sons don’t follow God;

now give us a king!

Samuel’s annoyed;

they want a king to rule them

like other nations.

The ageing judge prays.

God answers him, It’s not you;

they’ve rejected me..

From the very start

they rejected me as king;

after all I did!

Listen to their voice,

but warn them what kings are like;

let it be on them.

You want a king? Fine!

He’ll take your sons for soldiers;

and much more as well!

They weren’t listening.

Give us a king to lead us

out into battle!

© Ken Rookes 2024

Legendary Tales

Haiku for rivals Legendary tal es of wars, battles and giants, and a boy hero. King Saul honours and promotes him. The b...