Monday, June 26, 2023

A story most strange

A story most strange

Haiku that challenge our notions of God.

A story most strange;

a father is told to kill

his beloved son.

It was just a test.

We know that. Did Abraham

pass, or did he fail?

Should he have stood firm

and refused God’s mad request?

I hope I would have.

Where is the lamb, Dad?

We have the wood and the fire,

but where is the lamb?

It’s a grim picture;

father poised with knife in hand,

ready for murder.

Just kidding, says God.

Hmm. That’s a relief. Hey God;

strange sense of humour!

How could Abraham

not know the voice that says kill,

can not be from God?

The point of the tale:

God, (unlike others), rejects

human sacrifice.

© Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, June 19, 2023

A cruel story


Haiku to disturb and reassure

Sarah the jealous,


feels threatened by her rival;


slave woman, Hagar.

Hagar’s Ishmael


is Abraham’s first-born son,


fruit of agéd loins.

Sarah’s son, Isaac,


shall remain the only heir;


Ishmael must go!



A cruel story:


even God is complicit.


The child is dismissed.



Dismissed with water,


bread. The water gone, the child


is laid in the shade.



Ishmael’s mother


calls to God: Don’t make me watch


as death takes my son!

God sends an angel.


Do not weep or be afraid


God hears the child’s cries.



Take your son, I’ll make


him a great nation. Look, see;


I give you water!

The promise was kept.


God blessed him as he grew strong


in the wilderness.

© Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, June 12, 2023

No laughing matter

Haiku of unexpected fecundity

There, at Mamre’s oaks

Abraham met three strangers;

he made them welcome.


bread, cheeese and a barbecue;

the men were grateful.

She will have a son,

Sarah, your wife. Hearing this,

the old woman laughed.

Shall we have pleasure;

is life in these old bodies?

(The young don’t think so!)

Why did Sarah laugh?

God wants to know. There’s nothing

too tricky for God!

The thing came to pass

as the Lord had promised them:

Isaac, laughing boy.

Sarah was most pleased;

God has brought laughter to me,

laugh out loud with me!

Abraham, Sarah;

hard to believe such old folk

could become parents!

© Ken Rookes 2023

Monday, June 5, 2023

Move it, Abram!

Haiku for the settled

God said to Abram:

Leave the comfort of your home,

go to a new land.

Leave your father’s house,

bid your family good-bye;

I’ll make your name great.

I’ll bless you greatly.

For all of earths families

You’ll be a blessing.

He did as God said,

taking his wife and nephew.

Aged seventy-five!

Abram and Sarai,

gather their servants and goods,

and depart Haran.

They get to Canaan.

In Shechem, at Moreh’s oak,

there the Lord appeared

This is your country,

said God; you and your offspring.

An altar is built.

Good news for Abram;

less so for the Canaanites,

already settled.

© Ken Rookes 2023

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...