Monday, October 31, 2022

The future glory

Haiku of splendour

Very specific;

the date of the prophecy.

Must be important

Haggai, the prophet

brings the long awaited word

of restoration.

Does anyone here

remember the great glory

that was the temple?

People, take courage,

the Lord fulfils the promise

made at your release.

My spirit is here

among you; there is no need

for any to fear.

It’s time for shaking;

heaven and earth, sea and land,

and the nations too.

The nations shall come

bringing all of their treasure

as homage to God

Creation’s glory,

all the silver, all the gold,

belongs to the Lord.

The temple’s splendour

in the past was great; it shall

be even greater.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, October 24, 2022

How long must I cry?


Haiku for the impatient

How long must I cry?

The prophet complains that God

isn't listening.

There is much trouble

and God seems not to notice.

Take some action, God!

Justice is failing

with the wicked prevailing

over the righteous!

The prophet watches

and waits. What will the Lord say;

how will he answer?

Here is the vision,

says God. It will come to pass;

wrong will be made right.

Write in large letters

so that ev'ryone will know

the day is coming.

Look at the proud ones;

God's spirit is not in them.

The just live by faith.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, October 17, 2022

Your shame is over

Haiku for the era of the Spirit

Children of Zion,

it's the time for rejoicing,

like rain after drought.

The seasons of loss

have passed; the promise is made{

full silos and vats.

The years of distress,

of grasshopper and locust,

dismissed and restored.

Eat, be satisfied,

celebrate God's love, mercy;

your shame is over..

Your shame is over.

Know that your Lord is with you,

there is none but me.

My spirit is poured

out upon all humankind,

much dreams and visions.

Your sons and daughters,

the elderly, even slaves,

will share God's spirit.

There will be portents.

The new age is upon you;

no one need miss out.

© Ken Rookes 2022 

Monday, October 10, 2022

The days are coming

 Haiku of promise

The days are coming.

Ominous words for these times

of uncertainty.

The days are coming

warmer atmosphere, extreme

weather, suffering.

The days are coming.

What's this? The gloomy prophet

bringing words of hope?

I'll watch over them,

says the Lord. 'Twill be a time

to build and to plant.

Say no more: Parents

ate sour grapes, their children's

teeth are set on edge.

Those who have done wrong

will pay the price for their sins,

and nobody else.

The days are coming

when the Lord makes a new deal,

a new covenant.

The Lord's gracious law

will be written in their hearts;

I will put it there.

The days are coming

when I'll really be their God;

they'll be my people.

Forgiven and freed,

my people will live truly.

The days are coming.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, October 3, 2022

Blessings upon Babylon

Haiku of reality

This is long-term, folks;

time for humiliation,

time for reflection.

They were in exile

in Babylon. The prophet

wrote them a letter.

It brought muted hope.

Make the most of it, he said.

You'll be there a while.

Work hard, build houses

to live in. And plant gardens;

eat what they produce.

Marry, have children,

give your daughters in marriage,

take wives for your sons.

Prosper and do well,

seek the city's welfare, pray

for them, your captors.

Bless your enemies.

your well-being stems from theirs;

thus God blesses you.

© Ken Rookes 2022 

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...