Monday, June 27, 2022

An unnamed slave girl

Haiku of restoration

An unnamed slave girl

speaks a word of healing hope

in a foreign land.

In Samaria,

a prophet dwells. He could cure

the master’s disease.

General Naaman

gathers his entourage, heads

south, to Israel.

With his king’s letter

he fronts Israel’s monarch,

who totally freaks.

Am I God, he asks,

to cure leprosy? Worried

he’s in for a fight.

Elisha’s informed;

sends word to the king. No probs;

send him here to me.

This man from afar

will learn that there’s a prophet

here in Israel.

Sends a message. Wash

in the Jordan, seven times;

you will be made clean.

He didn’t even

come out to see me! Naaman

is somewhat angry.

We’ve got good rivers

back at home! Take it easy,

his servants respond.

It’s a simple thing.

He told you: Wash, and be clean.

Why not have a go?

He is persuaded.

Seven times in the Jordan,

his flesh is restored.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, June 20, 2022

Handing over


Haiku of succession

Succession planning

is a challenge. Elijah

somehow managed it.

I will not leave you

Elisha declared, when his

master’s time drew near.

Gilgal to Bethel,

then to the Jordan they went,


What would you have me

do for you? A double share

of your spirit, please.

As they walked and talked

a chariot descended,

fiery, between them.

Elijah ascends

in the whirlwind, Elisha

calls out: My Father!

Elisha takes up

the fallen mantle, also

the prophet’s worries.

© Ken Rookes 2002

I'm focusing on the Old Testament for a while. For a gospel response, check the archives for a similar time in 2013, 2016 or 2019

Monday, June 13, 2022

Sheer silence

 Haiku for the fearful

Fearful Elijah

receiving Jezebel’s threat,

decides to clear out.

Hiding in a cave

on the holy Mount Horeb

he hears God’s question.

I have done your will,

Lord, and my life is at risk,

so I ran away.

Stand on the mountain,

wait and watch, because the Lord

is about to pass.

In turn, a great wind,

an earthquake and fire surround;

God is not in them.

A sound of silence,

sheer and still, tells Elijah

that the Lord is here.

In silence, stillness,

mystery; God’s voice. Questions;

perhaps some answers.

The question is asked,

and answered. Return, Prophet,

and get on with it.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, June 6, 2022


Haiku of faith

Justified by faith!

The Reformation catch-cry.

Thank-you M. Luther!

Works won’t get you there.

But works of love must follow

the great work of grace.

We enter the realm

of grace through Jesus the Christ,

finding peace with God.

Discipleship brings

suffering. We endure it;

we grow and we hope.

Not wealth or blessings,

but sufferings. Boast in these;

they show you’re from God.

Endurance and hope

stem from love, poured into hearts

by the Holy Ghost.

© Ken Rookes 2022

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...