Monday, December 26, 2022

What God has done

Haiku of abundant love

The Lord is gracious;

I will tell what God has done

to bless their people.

God has favoured us,

though we did not deserve it,

because of His love.

My people are true,

honest. God saves her people;

in all their distress.

We’re all God’s people,

you, me, the Muslim, Hindu,

the agnostic, too.

God needs no angel,

divine messenger; God’s

presence alone saves.

Reaching out in love,

God redeems us, lifts us up,

carries us forward.

© Ken Rookes 2022

For every purpose

Haiku of reflection

For everything

there is a season; a time

for ev’ry purpose.

All things have their time

Beginnings and endings; birth

death, dancing, mourning.

A time to let go,

to plant, to love, to embrace;

a time to make peace.

A time for silence

and a time to raise your voice;

let’s not keep quiet.

We’re all growing old.

Don’t fight it, live faithfully.

Your life is God’s gift

We must all accept

the bad alongside the good.

Life is a mixture.

For what do you toil?

Life is full, life is busy;

make the most of it.

We study the past

and we ponder the future;

mystery remains.

Be happy, enjoy

your life. Eat, drink, take pleasure;

your life is God’s gift.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, December 19, 2022

They walked in darkness

 Haiku for illumination

They walked in darkness,

languishing, all hope was lost;

but light is coming.

We were blanketed

in deep darkness, but on us

God’s light is dawning.

We can now rejoice,

like when the harvest is good,

or sharing the loot!

Our heavy burdens

are lifted; our subjection

has come to an end.

Our blood-stained garments,

our oppressors’ boots, become

fuel for the fire.

A child has been born

for us, he shall reign for God

as our Prince of Peace.

Endless peace is ours;

the Lord of hosts will do this,

ruling with justice.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, December 12, 2022

A young woman is with child


Haiku of promise

Ahaz will not ask

the Lord for a sign. A sign

will still be given.

A girl will conceive,

she shall give birth to a son

called Immanuel.

Teenage girl, swelling

with wonder and life; marker

of life, joy and hope.

Children speak to us

of blessings, spirit, beauty,

duty and promise.

This child is unique,

turning away from evil

and choosing the good.

We ask for a sign

but it is there before us.

Rise up and seek God!

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, December 5, 2022

Joy and singing

Haiku for a blooming desert

When God’s Redeemed come

back to Zion, deserts burst

forth with joy and song.

The celebration;

a measure of God’s glory,

here, with God’s people.

Be strong, do not fear;

your God is here. God will come

and God will save you.

Blind eyes will open

and deaf ears will be unstopped.

The lame leap like deer!

In the wilderness

water will spring up, and streams

flow in the desert.

Life will be God’s gift

in the desert, and among

people ev’ry where.

God will make a way

for the faithful. To a realm

of safety and hope.

The song continues

with God’s people rejoicing

in God’s grace and love.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, November 28, 2022

A sign for us all

Haiku of the promised one

From the ancient line

of Jesse and David comes

one we have hoped for.

The Spirit of God,

of wisdom, understanding

shall rest upon him.

The Spirit of might,

counsel and fear of the Lord

shall rest upon him.

Righteousness guides him

when he delivers judgement

for the poor, the meek.

Such great metaphors:

wolf and lamb; leopard and kid

living peacefully.

Defenceless children

playing safely among snakes:

this image of peace.

The knowledge of God

will fill the earth. He shall be

a sign for us all.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022

Walk in God's light

Haiku of peaceful hope

The days are coming

when the nations will stream to

the house of the Lord.

Many peoples come,

saying, let’s seek Jacob’s God,

so to learn God’s ways.

They will say, Come, now,

We will learn the ways of God,

walk upon God’s paths.

From Zion, God’s word

comes forth, to instruct and guide

and show us God’s way.

God shall judge between

the nations, and determine

what is fair and just.

They shall beat their swords

and spears on anvils, into

ploughs and pruning hooks.

No more shall they learn

warfare; nations will not fight

or lift up their swords.

God’s light shines on all;

come, house of Jacob, let’s walk

in the light of God.

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, November 14, 2022

From David's Line

Haiku for a shepherd

The shepherds have failed,

the sheep are destroyed, scattered

and driven away.

Leaders stand accused,

they are evil, not taking

care of God’s people.

God will shepherd them,

gathering the remnant flock

from among the lands.

God’s sheep will return

to the safety of their fold;

no longer fearful.

The days are coming.

From David’s line shall be raised

a righteous ruler.

He shall reign as king

with wisdom, justice and truth.

And we shall be blessed.

Judah will be saved

Israel will live in safety;

Righteousness will reign.

We yearn for the day

when justice, hope, and peace reign;

Come, Lord Jesus, come!

© Ken Rookes 2022

Monday, November 7, 2022

New Creation Hope

Haiku for an ideal world

New creation hope;

a new heaven, a new earth.

We could do with that.

The old earth has failed;

its people weren’t up to it.

Not enough justice.

Renew your people,

God. We can do with having

our lives upended.

In Jerusalem

God rejoices, takes delight

in all God’s people.

All weeping will end

the cries of distress will pass

when God makes us new.

Death is in retreat

as longevity commands

the lives of us all.

Those who plant vineyards

will enjoy the fruit; labour

will not be in vain.

Peace and harmony,

abundant blessings will rest

upon God’s people.

The wolf and the lamb

feed together; imaging

God’s new reign of peace.

The day is coming

when power meets its limits

and justice prevails.

© Ken Rookes 2022

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...