Monday, November 29, 2021



haiku of announcement

Located in time

and in space, the arrival

of Baptiser John.

The wilderness voice

of God echoes through John’s head,

compels him to speak.

Turn away from sin!

When they come for his message:

John baptises them

Isaiah wrote it:

A voice shouts in the wild place,

preparing the way.

Earthworks metaphor,

a track is cleared for the one

who brings salvation.

Valleys will be filled

and mountains will be levelled,

the rough ways made smooth.

A big metaphor

for a cosmic happening:

the promised one comes!

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, November 22, 2021

These too will pass

Haiku for those who wait


exciting literalists;

Jesus is coming!

Here are rich pickings

for those who speculate, who

think they have knowledge.

What does it all mean?

Much ink has been expended

through the centuries.

Perhaps those who lived

in the first century knew

the hidden meanings.

The disturbing signs

hide a worse reality;

as the planet burns.

Jesus will return

to fix the climate. Is that

what it really says?

The generation

did pass away, so that much

is proved incorrect.

All is temporal.

Heaven, earth, these both will pass.

Jesus’ words remain.


the warning to be ready,

alert and faithful.

© Ken Rookes 2021


Monday, November 15, 2021

Are you a king?


Haiku of enquiry

Pilate and Jesus.

Pilate’s got the upper hand,

has the final say.

Your own countrymen

handed you in, accuse you

of a kingly claim.

Tell: Are you a king?

What is it that you’ve done? Why

do they hate you so?

It’s not from this world,

my kingdom. Not power, wealth

or earthly glory.

All earthly kingdoms

fade away, turn to dust. My

kingdom never ends.

So you are a king!

said Pilate, little knowing

the truth of his words.

Jesus, born a king.

to bear witness to the truth

For this he was born.

What is truth? Pilate

asks, scoffing at the notion;

like many today.

A needle within

the haystack of straw and lies;

truth is elusive

Listen to his words;

become children of the truth.

Do you hear his voice?


Pilate’s not impressed.

Like many men of power,

truth is a nuisance.


© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, November 8, 2021

When will this be?

Haiku of the eschaton

Up from the country,

disciples are in awe. Look

at the size of those!

See these great buildings,

said Jesus. These are nothing;

all will be made dust.

What is important;

which are the things that remain?

There is only one.

Four came to Jesus,

asking him on the quiet:

when will this happen?

Troubled times ahead!

Some will come, claim “I am he!”

Don’t be led astray.

You will hear of wars

and rumours. Mere precursors;

the end still awaits.

Conflicting nations,

famines, earthquakes; these are signs;

the birth pangs begin.

The kingdom will come

but not as you expect; won’t

be an easy birth.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, November 1, 2021

Flash robes


Haiku for the self important

Religious leaders,

shaped by pride, just like us all;

no better, no worse.

The erudite Scribes,

learned, apparently wise;

enjoy the honour.

Flash robes, the best seats,

places of esteem; the Scribes

are lapping it up!

They like to look good

but don’t care about justice;

they will be condemned.

The rich can pretend

to be generous; the poor,

giving freely, are.

She gave all she had

to live on; this poor widow.

True munificence!


stamped into the DNA

of God’s creation.

© Ken Rookes 2021

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...