Monday, September 27, 2021

In patriarchy

Haiku of the powerless

In patriarchy

women are commodities;

discard when it suits.

They ask, Can a man

lawfully divorce his wife?

How will he answer?

What did Moses say?

A simple certificate

to dismiss will do.

You misogynists!

Because you are hard of heart

Moses gave this law!

In God’s great purpose

two people come together

to be joined as one.

Together as one

in mutual support, love;

marriage is God’s gift.

The twelve gate-keepers

were dismissing the children;

Jesus takes offence.

Let the children come;

the kingdom belongs to them.

They bring God’s blessings.

Powerless children;

by grace alone they receive.

So, too, must you come.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021

Not one of us

 Haiku of welcome

Wasn’t one of us,

casting out in Jesus’ name;

we told him to stop.

Complained to Jesus.

No probs. He’s not against us,

must be on our side!

When deeds of power

are done in my name, they bear

witness to my words.

The great welcomer;

Jesus looks a what we do,

not at our Tee-shirt.

When people bless you

because you carry my name,

they too, will be blessed.

Don’t make barriers

that cause the weak to stumble;

work to welcome them.

Let nothing stop you

from living the kingdom life.

It is ev’rything.

The kingdom’s good salt

is in you. Share peace and salt

with everyone.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021

Making matters clear

Haiku of servanthood

Avoiding the crowds,

hanging with his disciples,

making matters clear.

Betrayal awaits

the Son of man, and then death;

but there’s more to come.

His words seem riddles.

to his friends. Afraid to ask,

not understanding.

They were arguing

as they travelled. Which of them

would be the greatest.

They are embarrassed

when he asks them, will not say

why they had argued.

Those who would be first

must be last of all, must learn

to be a servant.

He takes a small child

in his arms. When you welcome

such, you welcome me.

Some self-styled Christians

climb the ladder, reach the top,

then forget to serve.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021

Who am I?


Who am I?

Haiku of the question.

Near Caesarea

he turns to his disciples,

asks them, Who am I?

Some say Elijah;

others, John the Baptiser,

one of the prophets.

But what do you say?

he asks them, looking for an

answer more profound.

Peter finds the words.

You must be the Messiah!

(Whatever that means.)

The one that God sends

will suffer, be rejected

by those in power.

When he speaks of death

the disciples are disturbed.

Weren’t expecting that!

Peter finds the words.

Don’t talk of such things, Jesus;

the Christ cannot die.

Those who would follow

the paths to life, they must learn

to lay life aside.

They must be ready

to deny themselves, to take

their cross upon them.

For the gospel’s sake

you must do the things I do;

you must die to self.

© Ken Rookes 2021


Responding to Genesis ch. 15 Haiku of promise The great patriarch has a vision from the Lord; he's told, Do not fear! The Lor...