Monday, August 30, 2021


 Haiku of the impudent answer

Jesus is in Tyre,

a coastal city up north

in Gentile country.

He is travelling

incognito, needs a break.

But the word gets out.

A woman finds him.

Her daughter is sick; she wants

Jesus to heal her.

The woman bows down

at his feet. She’s desperate,

begging him to help.

You’re not one of us.

I’ve been sent to feed the kids,

not to feed the dogs.

The woman insists,

impudent. Even the dogs

get to eat the scraps!

Jesus laughs out loud.

Quite right, great answer! Go home,

your daughter is healed.

Holiday over,

Jesus makes his way back home;

brings blessing and hope.

They were astounded.

At his hands the deaf and mute

find healing and life.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, August 23, 2021

Defiled hearts

Haiku of true worship

The Pharisees frown;

Jesus, your friends are eating

with their defiled hands.

Cleanliness requires

much washing, of hands and food;

also cups and pots.

They put much stock in

being ritually clean.

Jesus laughs at them.

Rules are worth nothing.

It’s what you do, what you say,

that matters to God.

Don’t try to honour

God with your lips if you won’t

do so with your hearts.

Take note, you leaders:

evil words and loveless deeds

render you unclean.

Human traditions

are rubbish, worship too; if

you’re ignoring God.

There’s only one law

that you need to keep; that you

love. The rest is dross.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, August 16, 2021

Difficult teaching

Haiku for the troubled

Come, eat my flesh! The

literally-minded folk

take extreme offence.

What is his meaning,

this claim to be bread for all;

the bread who gives life?

The words that I speak

brings life to your spirit; yet

not all will believe.

Even disciples

are troubled. This difficult

teaching troubles them.

Some of them decamped.

He asks the twelve, Do you wish

to turn back also?

Simon Peter speaks:

To whom can we go? Your words

alone lead to life.

We have known you, Lord;

We see your words are true, that

you are sent from God.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, August 9, 2021

Life for the whole world


Haiku for disputation

I am bread that lives

and gives life to the whole world;

life that comes from God.

He offends them, this

Johannine Jesus; speaking

of his flesh and blood.

Only Eucharist

can make sense of these sayings.

That, and his dying.

True food, and true drink,

my very self in flesh, blood;

I am here for you.

Eat of me; take me

deeply inside you, find me

in all your living

Take me deep within;

my body, blood, and my words.

You shall truly live.

You, who are my friends,

I live in you, you in me;

multiplying life.

© Ken Rookes 2021

Monday, August 2, 2021

Bread that fills the soul

Haiku of life

He said, I am bread;

bread that fills the soul. Don’t thirst

or hunger, come!

The leaders complain:

How can he say these things, I

am bread from heaven?

God is doing this,

drawing folk to hear my words;

they shall know God’s life.

Open your eyes, ears,

to learn God’s truth, to receive

God’s life eternal.

Wilderness manna

from God fed hungry people;

but later they died.

Heaven’s living bread

gives eternal life. I am

the bread from heaven.

I am bread. I give

my body; a gift of life

for all humankind.

© Ken Rookes 2021


I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...