Haiku of fruitfulness
Another vineyard
story. This time tenants, rent,
paying what is due.
How much is Jesus;
how much from gospel writers
offering hindsight?
One more parable.
Aspects of allegory;
who represents what?
Shades of Isaiah’s
vineyard producing wild grapes.
But the fruit is good!
Heaps of violence
as the greedy and corrupt
execute their plan.
The son, too, is killed.
Our thoughts are led to the end
of Jesus’ story.
Judgement takes its place
at centre-stage. The warning:
produce kingdom fruits.
You who were the first
to receive grace, from you much
will be expected.
If you won’t bear fruit
you’ve moved outside the kingdom.
Others will enter.
Priests and Pharisees
heard the penny drop that day;
these words were for them
© Ken Rookes 2020