Monday, August 31, 2020

Even in the church

Haiku of restoration.

Words on Jesus’ lips:

how the church should respond to

sinful behaviour.

We all make mistakes

do the wrong thing, hurt others;

needing forgiveness.

Even in the church

we fall short. How to react,

that is the challenge.

Save embarrassment

with a quiet word, hoping

to be reconciled.


doesn’t want to sort things out.

Do the best you can.

If you get nowhere

don’t sweat on it. Let them go,

but don’t stop hoping.

He is surely here

in the grace and forgiveness,

as the gathering.

© Ken Rookes 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

Talking of death


Haiku for those with ears to hear.

In Jerusalem

those ruled by fear are waiting;

they will deal with him.

Knowing what’s in store

does not deter him. He goes

to confront his foes.

To his friends he talks

of his suffering and death.

They try to stop him.

Do not talk like that,

says Peter. It must not be!

He does not get it.

Suffering and death:

these may not be avoided

if you’re serving God.

The cross. Splintered wood

for Jesus; what might it mean

for you and for me?

Follow me, deny

yourselves and take up your cross;

you will find true life.

© Ken Rookes 2020

Monday, August 17, 2020

What do they say?


Haiku for questioners

In Caesarea

he asked; What do they say; who

is the Son of Man?

Some say the Baptist,

Elijah, Jeremiah;

one of the prophets.

You, who follow me,

who do you say that I am?

Tell me what you think.

You must be the Christ,

Simon answered him; the Son

of the living God.

Who are you? We ask

still; leaning out for meaning,

reaching out for hope.

Who am I? We ask,

discovering our true selves

as we meet with him.

Keep it to yourselves

for now, this revelation.

It will cause trouble.

© Ken Rookes 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

Breaking Rules


Breaking Rules

Haiku for getting sorted


He is dismissive

of ritual cleanliness

and its importance.

Consider your mouth:

What goes in does not defile,

rather, what comes out!

The Pharisees fume!

This teacher has no respect

for our traditions!

Forget traditions!

If they do not lead to life,

they are not from God.

Blind guides surround us;

servants of irrelevant

and failed religion.

The heart is the source

of evil acts; violence,

theft, abuse and greed.

Another story.

A Canaanite woman comes

pleading: Heal my girl.

Sorry, I can’t help.

Came for Israel’s lost sheep,

wasn’t sent for you.

But even the dogs

may eat of the scraps that fall

from the table’s edge.

Top answer! He said.

Great is your faith. It shall be

as you requested.

© Ken Rookes 2020

Monday, August 3, 2020

It is I, don't fear

It is I, don’t fear

Haiku of uncertain faith

He had healed them,

blessed and fed, instructed them,

then he sent them home.

He stayed by himself

while his friends left in the boat

for the other side.

Finding a high place,

letting go; resting body,

communing with God.

In the boat, his friends,

battered by the wind and waves

were getting anxious.

The story tells us

he came walking through the waves.

It is I, don’t fear!

Command me to come,

if it really is yourself;

the fisherman spoke.

The word was spoken.

Bold Peter walked on water;

then fear reclaimed him.

By ourselves we sink.

Save us, Lord! we cry in fear.

His hand reaches out.

Is it his command

of storms, that prove his Sonship;

or is it his love?

© Ken Rookes 2020

I am Joseph

  Reflecting upon Gen 45:3-11, 15 Haiku of forgiveness Joseph shows himself to his brothers. It is I! How is my father? His brothe...