Rev Dr Wes Campbell has done a new Easter journey triptych and has given me permission to post his paintings and share on our site.
This is the first panel portraying the betrayal of Jesus.
Please feel free to use with acknowledgement.
Monday, March 30, 2015
The agony of Good Friday
Rev Dr Wes Campbell has done a new Easter journey triptych and has given me permission to post his paintings and share on our site.
This is the central panel portraying the agony of the cross.
Please feel free to use with acknowledgement.
This is the central panel portraying the agony of the cross.
Please feel free to use with acknowledgement.
the irrepressibility of love
Today, of all the days of the year, is when we think and
feel and tell the Good News. Today we are celebrating the irrepressibility of
love, joy, peace and all the other fruits; of faith and hope; of life in all
its fullness, overcoming all obstacles. Truly, love will come again like wheat
that springs up green; not only love but joy and life. This is the key to the
conclusion of Mark’s Gospel. That we are here celebrating today is evidence
that love can be battered, bruised, even thought to have been killed, but that
is an illusion.
Love cannot and will never be destroyed. It can be ignored,
suppressed, denied but still it keeps on springing back. Love has been largely
overlooked as the source of all good. To show love has even been considered a
weakness. But love will be expressed. When it could not be spoken of openly for
cultural reasons, it has been shown covertly. One doesn’t have to watch many
episodes of the Antiques Road Show, to see and hear them talk about the
language of love being powerfully expressed symbolically in flowers and
Love is what happened on the first Easter day. It had, of
course been happening since the beginning of time. Creation itself was the
first act of love and it is believed to have gone off with quite a bang!
Rev Julianne Parker
(for full sermon see sermons page)
'Out of Darkness'
A bit of a different post for this site, but inspired by the wonderful theme and a desire to share the beauty of this exhibition. Click on any of the pics to see the closeup and have a just a a taste of the exhibition. For those close enough; don't miss it as a part of your Holy Week journey.
art exhibition by Queenscliffe artists,
speaking the truth to power
Jesus used to say things like this. If a child asks you for bread, will you give him a stone?Awkward things like that.
His followers called his idea The Way. Many of us are here today because the idea has stuck. We try to follow the Way of Peace and Love. Just another bunch of lily-livered misfits.
For generations, in communities all over the globe, Palm Sunday has been a day when people walk for peace and reconciliation. And not just Christians. People of every faith and of no faith at all come together as we have today in solidarity. To express our communal values and yearnings, the things that bind us rather than those that separate us.
We belong to a prosperous country, a place where prosperity and good fortune have made us powerful. Yes, whether we feel it or not, we are exceptionally powerful as individuals and as a community. We have the power of safety. We're richer, more mobile, with more choices than most of our fellow citizens worldwide. Not because we're virtuous, but because we're lucky. But we don't come here to gloat. We're here to reflect. To hold ourselves to account. We didn't come here today to celebrate power or to hide in its privileged shadow. We're here to speak for the powerless. We're not here to praise the conventions of the day, but to examine them and expose them to the truth. We're not here to reinforce the status quo. We gather to dissent from it.
Tim Winton (see rest of speech in The Age here)
It is finished
A stone to
seal an entrance,
the boundary between the living
and the
cloths to bind a corpse,
cold lips
hidden within coarse fabric;
no longer
can they speak their words of love.
A hundred
pounds of myrrh and aloes
to weigh a
body down,
to keep it
from floating off
mythical certitude;
uncertainty, if you prefer.
On Friday,
with the setting of the sun,
light is
overcome by the darkness
as a man
is laid in his tomb.
underline the tears,
and the
apparent finality:
it is
© Ken Rookes. 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
God's encouragement
Since the story of the resurrection has been known it has
been an encouragement for those who are experiencing suffering, whatever its
cause. There are several places in the gospels which seem to indicate that
Jesus knew that he would rise again after three days. Why then was he so
distressed at this time? After all, it would soon be all over! If we believe
that Jesus was truly human he could not have had this knowledge and scholars
believe these passages were written with the benefit of hindsight.
It can be encouraging for people to read of the experiences
of how others coped with adversity two and a half thousand years ago and how Jesus
did two thousand years ago, but it is also encouraging to hear stories since
then and in particular, in our time. Feelings associated with difficult times
are similar today to those experienced by the Psalmist, by Isaiah and by Jesus.
It is good to know God is with us in these experiences now.
We may speak of the encouragement we have received through
experiences of God’s action in the lives of others. These people may be seen as
special, not ordinary folk like us. We are often reluctant to tell of the encouragement
we have received through the experience of God’s love in our own lives even
though we know it will help others because we fear being ridiculed as Isaiah
was. God still wakens our ears to listen, to be strengthened, to have the words
to encourage and sustain the weary. God answers our desperate prayers with
encouraging reassurances that all we will need for this day will be provided.
Rev Julianne Parker
(for full sermon see sermons page)
Sunday, March 22, 2015
donkeys make their way
the paved roads and unsealed streets,
on their grassy tucker.
move at an easy pace.
they stroll across invisible boundaries,
packs of proprietorial dogs
rouse themselves from shaded slumber,
dustily defend their family’s territory
chasing the offending beasts away.
two-legged inhabitants of this community,
their canine companions,
leave the donkeys alone.
all of their kind,
donkeys of Willowra
a quiet life.
Bethpage, near Jerusalem,
colt of a donkey was, for a time,
from its stillness
prevailed upon to carry a man into the city.
procession was noisy,
flourished cloaks and branches
thrown excitedly upon the road
front of the shy, equine creature;
the way to the temple.
few hours later it was all over.
colt was dismissed
allowed to return to his gentle ruminations.
the man who rode him,
ruckus had just begun.
Ken Rookes 2015.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Living a true life
I struggle with the idea that we are called to 'hate' our lives. But i think that what Jesus was doing doing was calling us beyond a shallow definition of living to a deeper, truer path.
On hating one's life: Jesus did NOT mean that we are to hate ourselves. We are children of God and how can we hate God's creation? He also did NOT mean to hate our jobs or our homes, or our marriages, or anything that we DO on this earth. What we DO is only a superficial part of our lives. And he did NOT mean the disregard for life that comes from being depressed and leads to suicide. He was not talking about killing ourselves (as in suicide, or suicide bombing), but being killed for a higher good.
What Jesus meant is that we are not to be so attached to our life that we can't see anything more important than it; than 'me'. When we 'hate' our life, we are willing to give it up for the sake of something good... for the sake of God, or truth, or justice, or love. In a real sense i think that to 'hate' our life in the way Jesus speaks of is to love what is true and meaningful and beautiful in life, not what is hollow or false. It is to live a life of Love.
On hating one's life: Jesus did NOT mean that we are to hate ourselves. We are children of God and how can we hate God's creation? He also did NOT mean to hate our jobs or our homes, or our marriages, or anything that we DO on this earth. What we DO is only a superficial part of our lives. And he did NOT mean the disregard for life that comes from being depressed and leads to suicide. He was not talking about killing ourselves (as in suicide, or suicide bombing), but being killed for a higher good.
What Jesus meant is that we are not to be so attached to our life that we can't see anything more important than it; than 'me'. When we 'hate' our life, we are willing to give it up for the sake of something good... for the sake of God, or truth, or justice, or love. In a real sense i think that to 'hate' our life in the way Jesus speaks of is to love what is true and meaningful and beautiful in life, not what is hollow or false. It is to live a life of Love.
The challenge of God's law within us
In the Gospel reading, we heard Jesus say that unless a
grain of wheat falls to the earth it remains a single grain, but if it dies, it
bears much fruit. This could be another way of expressing the idea that the
primary goal for Christians is not their own comfort and advancement but to do
everything possible to encourage others to life in all its fullness. We know
that the seed falling to the ground does not die. In fact, if it did die, it
would produce little except a minute amount of nutrients for another plant.
What happens when the seed falls to the ground is that it comes in contact with
the ground of all being which enables all the hidden potential of the seed to
be released and to flourish.
Christians for the main have aspired to move away from
earthiness rather than towards it. Why has the Church thought that grand
buildings were what brought glory to God? Does a great cathedral, which was
built at the cost of many lives both in the actual building and in the cost it
was to the poor people of the district show more of God’s glory than a single
sprouting seed? It depends on how you see glory. Do we see the glory of God’s
humble goodness or is it the power and wealth of Empires we see? Such buildings
show how clever humans are rather than the glory of God..
Being prepared to lay down our lives is about acting humbly
rather than showing how great we are. The world by now might be quite different
if the Church had remained an example of the humility of God rather than its
idea of the glory of God? If we had taken note of what God told Moses about the
glory of God being goodness, if we had heard the prophets telling us that God
hated the way the people worshiped and that what God wanted was justice, mercy
and humility, the whole world might be different.
God has made a new covenant with us and put God’s law with
in us. God has given us many gifts, fruit and abilities to enable us to become
more Christlike. We have the responsibility to trust these are sufficient for us to behave
as Jesus behaved and calls us to do.
Rev Julianne Parker
(for full sermon see sermons page)
He was elevated.
It was not for the purposes of admiration or acclaim;
a strange glorification.
The crudely fashioned wooden
is no pedestal.
What, then, shall we call it,
this instrument of shame and death;
conveniently named for its shape
rather than its purpose? No matter,
the two have been conflated
over the millennia.
There is, however, no convenience in death.
No, that is not true.
It is all a matter
of where you are standing.
Lifted from the earth,
three metres, four at the most,
anchored to earth’s rocks and dust
not by nails driven cruelly into timber,
but by cords;
willing ribbons of love.
© Ken Rookes 2015.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
preferring darkness to the light
"...we can be critical of the Israelites as they wandered. We
don’t actually know exactly how long it took them to reach their destination.
Someone reminded me recently that it is a journey of less them a week on foot
if you go directly from Egypt to the Promised Land. But when you are in the
wilderness of grief, it can seem a long, long time and many times you wonder if
you will ever make it to the other side. Like the Israelites, it can help us to
have something held in front of us by a friend, to remind us that God still
cares even when we feel we are being attacked on all sides. We can hang on to
the knowledge of Christ and the message from the Gospel of John that God did
not send Jesus to judge or to condemn us but to save us.
It is not at all unusual for grieving people to feel they
are being condemned by others who think they should be over it or just forget
about it and get on with their lives. People who have suffered loss do not need
to be further traumatised by the use of Scripture that condemns them and seems
to show God as harsh and uncaring.
It has been pointed out [Richard Rohr] that
Jesus selectively emphasised texts that revealed his God as good, faithful,
inclusive and merciful. And he created stories and healing events to
communicate that point. Jesus consistently ignored passages that reveal God as
punitive, exclusionary, imperialistic, small or tribal. The Gospel reading set for today [John 3:
19-21] talks about people preferring darkness to the light which has come into
the world. Concentrating on passages about God sending poisonous snakes is
preferring darkness to the light which Jesus shines on God."Rev Julianne Parker
(for full sermon see sermons page)
Hide and seek
and seek
We are children.
play hide and seek,
cling to the shadowed places;
that no one can see us.
that we
not be found.
light is not our friend.
it away,
it shine revealingly
our hiding places;
living, our dying,
things we do.
darkness, brush our cheeks.
our eyes remain closed,
we might continue
multiple deceptions.
we be found.
darkness is many;
which the light comes in
candle flame flickers;
but defiant.
Ken Rookes 2015.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Unless someone like you cares a lot
The lorax is definitely a book about standing up against injustice. To me a theme in common with Jesus stance in the temple.
Righteous anger
Righteous wrath like Jesus displayed is a dangerous passion. I am always uncomfortable with the imagery of war in relationship to faith. But when wielded "against the enemies of love" in defense of the vulnerable... perhaps the anger at times is necessary.
Righteous Wrath
There are many kinds of hatred, as many kinds of fire;
And some are fierce and fatal with murderous desire;
And some are mean and craven, revengeful, sullen, slow,
They hurt the man that holds them more than they hurt his foe.
And yet there is a hatred that purifies the heart:
The anger of the better against the baser part,
Against the false and wicked, against the tyrant's sword,
Against the enemies of love, and all that hate the Lord.
O cleansing indignation, O flame of righteous wrath,
Give me a soul to feel thee and follow in thy path!
Save me from selfish virtue, arm me for fearless fight,
And give me strength to carry on, a soldier of the Right!
Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933)
Righteous Wrath
There are many kinds of hatred, as many kinds of fire;
And some are fierce and fatal with murderous desire;
And some are mean and craven, revengeful, sullen, slow,
They hurt the man that holds them more than they hurt his foe.
And yet there is a hatred that purifies the heart:
The anger of the better against the baser part,
Against the false and wicked, against the tyrant's sword,
Against the enemies of love, and all that hate the Lord.
O cleansing indignation, O flame of righteous wrath,
Give me a soul to feel thee and follow in thy path!
Save me from selfish virtue, arm me for fearless fight,
And give me strength to carry on, a soldier of the Right!
Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933)
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
A warning
I read the cleansing of the temple as a stark warning against any and every false sense of security. Misplaced allegiances, religious presumption, pathetic excuses, smug self-satisfaction, spiritual complacency, nationalist zeal, political idolatry, and economic greed in the name of God are only some of the tables that Jesus would overturn in his own day and in ours. Church is more than a place to enjoy a night of bingo or to reinforce my many prejudices and illusions. Thank God, then, for the Psalm for this week which concludes with a prayer that is wonderfully appropriate this Lenten season: "Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant from willful sins; may they not rule over me...May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer" (Psalm 19:12–14).
Monday, March 2, 2015
Getting away with it
Wandering around
on the fringes of respectability
and caring nothing for the good regard
of the religious establishment,
Jesus pulled a ‘Pussy Riot’ protest
in the sacred precincts of the temple.
He left behind a chaos of coins and cattle,
upturned tables,
and a whip of cords.
He seemed to have gotten away with it.
They didn’t arrest him,
or throw him, Baptist-like, into prison;
things eventually settled down.
The teacher got on with his unorthodox life,
roving the land in his capacity
as a no-fixed-address itinerant,
outrageously telling it like it was.
Those in authority,
the Chief Priests and the others,
played it cool.
They righted the tables,
rounded up the livestock,
and gathered together the discarded cords.
These they plaited into rope enough;
and waited for the moment.
The arrest, incarceration,
and much worse,
would come.
© Ken Rookes 2015.
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